Why & How to Utilize A Receiver
Robert Fodor: So everybody this is Eric Bustos, he is with Mtf. Mtf is a receiver that's located in Portland Oregon. They happen to be near where headquarters are and he is graciously agreed to come and speak with us about the processes that receivers take with orders. So please after he's done, or even in the middle of the presentation, feel free to ask questions, we will be taking questions after his presentation. But if you do have any questions that just kind of crop up during the course of his presentation, let us know. Erick. Oh yeah, pretty Peter. Go ahead.
Peter Spalding: Hundreds of Daniel House and Robert. I was just for those just joining. Would you tell them where to find our list of receivers in case they are not in the Portland Metropolitan area and would like to find somebody to work with in their region?
Robert Fodor: Yeah, one second. Let me just share my screen out really quick. We did go over this at the very beginning of the the training, but some people weren't on, so, no big deal. All right. so, if we go to the About Us section and then click on Faq's, You actually created a blog post. Here. And this is also included in our FAQs. You can click on the link here to go to the blog post and then click on the link here to this is actually the list of selected receivers that we have vetted across the country. So if you just click on that you'll see here, this is actually the list that we've created of receivers that that we believe are in in good order for you to work with.
Peter Spalding: of course, obviously, you should move to the Pacific Northwest and use MTF, but if you can't Yeah.
Erick Bustos: Yeah. Thank you so much....
___________________________Watch the whole presentation here
Robert Fodor: All right, Eric. So you can go ahead and and click on the present now button and then we'll go ahead and get started.
Erick Bustos: All right. Well thank you so much, Robert. And Peter. Hi, everyone. My name is Eric Bustos. I'm with more than freight here in Portland Oregon. I'm gonna share my Here it is.
Erick Bustos: And you see the slides. Okay, perfect.
Peter Spalding: Yes.
Erick Bustos: All right, so yeah. So we're receiving warehouse here in Portland Oregon. We've been in the business for over seven years now and thank you to Peter and Robert to invite us to be part of these webinar. We feel thankful for for being part of these and we're gonna talk about what he sort of receiving warehouse. What's a role of a receiver? And what are the main benefits of using one? Oh sorry. Yeah, so the main definition of a receiving warehouse is, is surface and intermediary between the manufacturer and the design firm or final customer. It plays a really crucial role in the furniture supply chain.
Erick Bustos: And it's my responsibilities. Are receiving, handling expecting storing and delivering furniture among other many other services that it provides. um, and he has a all the proper infrastructure, machinery, and personal to handle the store to handle and store furniture goods And they have the proper personal with expertise to ensuring furniture arriving excellent condition to the final customer. So basically, it's a middleman between the manufacturer and the final customer, any guarantee that everything gets delivered to the final customer in excellent condition. Now, damages now issues or no missing pieces or any issue like that. So this is the very basic structure of furniture supply chain.
Erick Bustos: Where you have multiple vendors or manufacturer, and you have the final customer or the interior designer. This is the very basic way to ordering furniture from, you know, directly from the manufacturer to the customer. However, they only benefit of doing it that way, is that you're gonna save a little bit of money, but there is a lot of drawbacks of doing it this way. Um, first of all, you normally or from different manufacturers, you, let's say forehand most visual comfort. You don't typically, or from one single manufacturer, so that means they're gonna be multiple shipments, multiple trucks, and there are probably going to arrive in different different dates or times.
Erick Bustos: So that means you're gonna have to have someone here receiving you know, in business hour for monitor Friday, just just waiting for trucks to arrive. Another drawback is that Truck typically, don't deliver to residential addresses. So you, you probably have a dog will have to have a dog.
Erick Bustos: Or a forklift or that kind of equipment to be able to receive this this shipment. So basically, you have to be in charge of receiving inspecting within typically within 48 hours or 72 hours is the window to submit claims to the vendor, you have to unpack everything, install assembly and then also removal the trash palettes that come with the shipment. So this is not very good for or very good structure. If you're gonna order from different manufacturers, if you're gonna work in multiple projects, um, and if you're gonna order large or extra large pieces, valuable pieces or fragile, You're gonna have to handle those really large pieces and then if you break something, then that's on the designer to cover for the replacement of that piece.
Erick Bustos: On the other hand, if you use a receiver, there's a lot of benefits of using a receiver, it's gonna cost a fraction of the good that you're purchasing, but you get a lot from it. So first of all, they are available Monday through Friday, typically there's some, some receiver up and during weekends but mainly between Monday through Friday, within business hours and they are always receiving furniture, receiving trucks all day long. So that's, and that's what we do receiving furniture's all day long. So, no matter if they come from different manufacturer, different truck, different day, different times. So there's always warehouse team, receiving furniture, they're in business hours.
Erick Bustos: Um they also inspect those items upon arrival specifically the packaging and noted on the bol that way there is they we keep those in in our recording case There is a claim that needs to be submitted. So that's also part of the receiver role. They are able to handle large furniture to store, mostly most of the time, they offer in-home repair for minor issues, minor defect on the furniture. Or if it's something mayor that can be repaired, then they offer their return service. So they pretty much repack label and palletize parents to be s***, back to the manufacturer.
Erick Bustos: Um they consolidate furniture for different projects. Most of the time they also offered the Y glove delivery which is really really useful Once the receiver received all the item for specific rogue then we can coordinate with the receiver to deliver, you know, with a professional wide glove delivery team to deliver install and and removable to try for for specific project. So yeah, basically, they receive inspect handle store, repair return. So, there are many different services that they provide just by paying fraction of the cost of of the good.
Erick Bustos: Here more in depth benefit of using a warehouse or receiver. So the quality control, they make sure everything arrived to the customer in really good condition. It there is something an issue when an item if receive, then they will not in the bol, then they perform photo inspection of the item. They impact, they take pictures, they check every single angle of the peace, they check for they look for maybe missing pieces missing hard work and then they generate an inspection report that is provided today to the designer if any issue is found in we have the all the all the documentation to be able to submit a claim easily.
Erick Bustos: Another benefit of using a receiver is that they have typically and I'm gonna talk, you know, scientifically because there are so many different receivers and they are all different but the majority should have an inventory management system where they can keep track of incoming, a store and release items has update up to date inventory data that they can share to the customer through a client portal. So as soon as we receive items, then they change the status of those items change to store customer care, notification that we have received items. And then once they, they've been expected, and they get on a notification saying, this status of the condition of such item. and this is important because when you vendors, or manufacturers are really strict about,
Erick Bustos: You know, the claim procedure typically, he should be within 48 hours to 72 hours. So it's important to have every all the data updated in real time.
Robert Fodor: Hey Eric, this is Robert. Can I just interject something real quick? So I think this is a really,…
Erick Bustos: Yeah.
Robert Fodor: really important point when it comes to receivers and the value that receivers give to you as a designer.
Robert Fodor: many times, you know, you're ordering items months in advance and things are filtering in, you know, one by one over the course of, you know, one, two, three months, maybe even longer For a single install date. This aspect of what a receiver does is crucial. Because an item comes in and you don't see it for three months until the install date. And then all the sudden something's been received effective or damaged The receiver will indicate right away that something's been done. Something's happened.
Robert Fodor: They'll get in touch with you, they'll send pictures, they'll send a report and that just gives fuel to the fire for us to be able to go back to the vendor on your behalf to say Hey This item was received, it's damaged, it's defective, there's something wrong with it. Let's get this, fixed way before an install date. So I just want to kind of reiterate that and make and drive home that point because this is really the crux of where a receiver can be extremely beneficial for a project. Thanks Erick.
Erick Bustos: Yeah, that's that's totally right. Actually, the procedures of for receiver, the procedure of receiving always is receiving and right after receiving its inspection,
Erick Bustos: And typically, it's within 48 hours, within 40 hour, 48 hours, you will get a inspection report with pictures. And again, this is the the The normal receiver should generate Inspection Report which you can see pictures of the issue. Found very detailed description of the issue and you know the details like Are there missing items missing pieces, Missing hardware, It's dented. It's not the right color. You know, all that. It's gonna be in the spectrum report with really is gonna be very detail in that something that you can share to the manufacturer or you can hire the receiver to handle the claim for you.
Robert Fodor: Actually real quick, Eric. So we actually handle all the claims. So we would just be managing that process. So for any of the folks who are on right now it, you know, if you get a, if you got a report similar to the one that MTF sends out from a receiver, most receivers will send something that's very similar to what MTF sends out, which is photos and a very detailed description of what the issue is. Literally all you have to do is forward that email to concierge at Daniel House Club and we take care of it from there. So super easy. But again, it just really reinforces the fact that we're on it right away. You're servicing your client correctly by doing that. And then, you're also adhering to the vendors requirements for letting them know if there's something wrong with the item in a timely fashion. So, thanks
Erick Bustos: Inca Robert.
Erick Bustos: Yeah, another benefit is a warehousing and storage. So receiver have a facility with the proper equipment, racking handling equipment, packaging material, to safely handle in store items for you. For instance, specifically furniture items and it's the receiver responsible of the integrated. The goods from the moment, on inspection report, is sent out and he says, That is a single condition until it's been released or delivered to the final client. So that's another huge benefit of using our receiver, is Something goes wrong. Between after, you got inspected and it's good condition and he got delivered, something happen between between that time, then the receiver is the one responsible to cover and expense for repair or replacing that item for you.
Erick Bustos: Another big benefit is consolidation and coordination. Again if you're working in multiple projects at the same time you're ordering item for multiple project at the same time, then the receiver will consolidate items per project bill per project also. So you can you can kind of have a statement per project from start to end that way. You can kind of know, Okay? This is how much I'm gonna spend for this project, for receiving and delivery, Okay? This is how much I'm gonna charge with my client. So there is no, there's these prevent mischievement to different, you know, the wrong customer. So, if you send everything to the receiver, then it's like a hop. It's gonna receive everything consolidates, or by project.
Erick Bustos: And then coordinate with the designer. Okay, would you like a delivery? Would you like a will call? Would you like pieces to be returned? So that coordination will happen between the receiver and the designer?
Erick Bustos: Returns and Repair, Typically it's better to Rebecca on site or the receiver, things are minor because going to the hustle of repacking creating the return or requesting a return to manufacturer for then, sending it out. And then requesting a replacement, It's gonna take time money and effort, whereas, if you have a repair company do their job, then you can fix really minor things. And it's gonna look like, like, brand new. But also, the receiver handle, hold up part of Rebecca, packing label, palletizing those side, and for you, and then, just just wait for the shipping company to pick it up from from their dog.
Erick Bustos: Um and the last and huge benefit either white glove service, I know Daniel House Club is partnering with Frank Club and the the offer White glove service is the right Robert.
Robert Fodor: Sorry about that. I was just muted. Yes, that's correct. Yeah, we offer white glove and room of choice with packaging removal. And then also just standard curbside. Of course,
Erick Bustos: Okay. But inspection is not included in that service, correct? Okay.
Robert Fodor: Correct, so the only inspection that's done is with white glove.
Erick Bustos: Okay. Yeah, so by shipping from directly from the manufacturer to, to the final customer. Typically, no way Daniel. How because they offer these survey. But typically there is no white glove service there. Typically it's just drop off, curbside, delivery. And then you'll have to deal with bringing pieces into the home, unpacking inspecting, the piece, assembling the piece, removing all the packaging, all the pallets, you'll need, you know, proper tool, proper equipment, power drill, power tools, to be able to and, and of course, your time to be able to do these and then it's something goes wrong. Then you're gonna have to cover for the expense of repair. Whereas, if you, if you hire a third party company, then they're liable for whatever that might happen during the delivery. But there are professional they do these every day. So typically these
Erick Bustos: Are not the kind of thing that happened, but it's always good to have some sort of insurance by using a therapeutic company to deal with the white glove service.
Erick Bustos: So this is just for reference, this doesn't mean that this is the real price, but I just wanted to show you some sort so you can have an idea of how this the price structure for receiver typically and and a range of different prices. But again these may vary by location by, you know, the fuel costs or the rent costs or they payroll cost, but typically it gets divided by three different fees. So the receiving inspections and typically by size or right item type like a chair, might be a raid sofa might be a rate or by size small medium large, you know many it can be different here depending on the side of the piece because maybe a cherry can be small or maybe a chair can be medium, so that will go on the, on the side way to do it.
Erick Bustos: Then the storage. Also, by size about adding type, or there are some receivers that do it by palette, or by square a square square footage. And the delivery typically for small deliveries is just a set rate depending on distance but if it's a large or or you know, a very large installed and typically they tend to go by an hourly rate. And this is an example of how much a chair could cost for receiving inspection. Again, this include receiving inspecting on packing inspecting, taking picture, generating, inspection report, communicating, everything with you. So, all all that. Just by a really small fraction of the cost of the piece,
Erick Bustos: Um, and then for a storage, there are some receiver that offer zero days 15 day, 30 days of free storage, and then they start charging weekly, or monthly. So these this is where every receiver does see a different way. How we do it is, we have 30 days free stories, and then just chart one dollar per piece for meeting large piece. Just so you have an idea so far somewhere between 30 and $60 per piece for receiving inspection. 25 to 40 dollar per month for storage and then our large cabinet somewhere between 45 to 75 piece for receiving inspection and teddy and 45 a month for storage. And for delivery typically, somewhere around 99 to 1999, dollars an hour. And again, this should include all white glove service delivery on packing assembling transformer wall and living everything clean.
Erick Bustos: Entirely for refined client. This is how report should look like. This is how our report looked like. So every time, an inspection gets, Oh sorry, an I didn't get inspected, our customer receive an inspection report via email That looks like this showing, Okay? This is for project, link item name quantity, vendor SKU size, and then here, where you see the condition. In this case, there was some minor damages on this chairs. And then you say all of them has crutches on the base or the leather. Um and then you can see here, you can actually open or enlarge the picture. Download them and then click to this link and you'll see a bunch of more pictures taken during inspection.
Erick Bustos: And this is something that you can that you get via email, you can share. In this case, you can share it to Daniel House and they'll be able to, you know, see the damages see what's wrong with this piece and and then decided they want to do a repair or they want to get the piece replaced. But these will have all the information that they require to move forward with a with the Return or repair.
Erick Bustos: Also, typically, this receiver have a client portal, not all of them but typically they have a client portal that look like this.
Erick Bustos: Where you can store item by project here, creating coming items. And then you can see here, the name Quantity status of the item when you go receive, when you go release, then they're SKU condition. And then you can open up the second report here and share it to anyone. Also, just directly from from the client portal, you can even create what we call orders. You can select the items it'll pop up, it will show a button here. The say create work order and it could be like creating a delivery or local or return or repair or these fossil or if it's something that you don't want anymore because it's really badly damaged in use one. Awesome. It and all of those services are you're gonna be able to request those through the portal.
Erick Bustos: Um, you can store item filter items here for easy to be able to easy, find specific item. You maybe you don't know, you don't remember, okay? Did they receive these items then you search it and then it'll show up here?
Erick Bustos: Any conclusion and receiving warehouses play important role in differences. Supply chain for interior designers, these warehouses. So for central life facility, equipped pie with appropriate infrastructure, machinery and personal efficiently Receive and secure store furniture products. So, you know, they have all the machinery, all the infrastructure racking for GLEEVE especially in inspection, especially in moving. So they have everything on hand or also even repair repair companies on hand, to be able to perform all these services in the most efficient and effective way.
Erick Bustos: And this is for just a fraction of the cause of the good. Maybe a chair will cause somewhere, around $500 a piece and you just pay $25 for receiving inspection and and if you get it delivered before within 30 days and you don't you don't get charged for stories. So really, really useful to use receiver because they offer all these services are really small fraction of the cost of the good.
Erick Bustos: Thank you so much. Been a pleasure being here with you.
Robert Fodor: Great. Thanks. Eric. Yeah.
Erick Bustos: If you have any questions or if there is anyone in Portland, wanna visit us, you're more than welcome. But, whatever question you may have your Request.
Robert Fodor: Yeah. Thanks again. Eric, we really appreciate it. If anybody has any questions, feel free to either put it into chat or you can also just unmute yourself and ask the question directly.
Robert Fodor: No questions. Oh my goodness. Wow. You were,…
Peter Spalding: Erick was so thorough.
Robert Fodor: you were very thorough Erick. So thank you.
Erick Bustos: Well, thank you. I tried.
Robert Fodor: I think most of the receivers in in my oh, here we go. I live in a receiver desert, any advice? Well that
Erick Bustos: Oh, actually, I remember one question that Peter asked me a few days ago,…
Robert Fodor: Yeah.
Erick Bustos: and I think that might be important to highlight here. He asked…
Robert Fodor: Uh-huh.
Erick Bustos: what the difference between Bol and Pod. So PLL.
Robert Fodor: Oh yeah.
Erick Bustos: Yeah, BLS is a bill of lading and that's pretty much the paperwork that you receive when a shipping company delivers to you or to a receiver
Erick Bustos: Mainly showing the list of island that they're they're being delivered right now and you have to sign and put in, you know there. So that's what we when we receive shipment for a customers. Then our warehouse team is they find Annie small issue on the packaging on the way they were standing, maybe wasn't the pieces upside down or the pilot looks in really bad shape or something like that. All that it looks like it was trading. It wasn't really. Well, then they noted on the Bol and that makes the process of claim, lame more easier.
Erick Bustos: By having these this node on the BLL and the POD is totally different, but at the same time it involves the BOL. So the POD it's time for proof of delivery and that's usually a proof of delivery from the receiver to the final customer or from the cheaper to the final customer and that you typically includes a bol sign by the by the customer plus picture showing that. He got delivered, like something like Amazon. When they shave a box of you, they take a picture and then sometime that request a signature. That's that's what a pods and and again, it stands for proof of delivery.
Peter Spalding: Thank you for clarifying that I do think it gets confusing with so many acronyms and different forms to their correctly,…
Erick Bustos: Yeah.
Peter Spalding: filled out.
Robert Fodor: So we did have two questions, one was just, you know the person lives in a receiver desert, any advice? And then the second was, if on our receiver list do we have Canadian receivers as well for the The Receiver Desert question. That's a That's a really good question and quite the conundrum because there are sometimes and Peter correct me if I'm wrong. But there are sometimes storage facilities that actually have receiving arms of their business. Yeah,
Peter Spalding: Yeah, I just to add to that. I do have a few designer friends here in Portland who don't use receivers, but do us just a regular storage facility and have worked out some kind of deal with the manager of the store. I mean, it's not quite the same level of service but that's one route to go. That I know that people are are doing. I also think that some receivers have pretty large radii. Radius is radii. Um, yeah, so I, I, I'm not sure exactly where you're located and please feel free to, you know, email us and follow up on this because Certainly we'd be happy to do a little bit of research for you, but some receivers may travel quite far to your project.
Robert Fodor: And then Canadian Peter. Did we include Canadian on that list? I can't remember if we did or not.
Peter Spalding: I don't think we have Canadian receivers, but, but we will begin the search.
Robert Fodor: Yeah, we just added Canada to our list of shipping destinations late last year. So so we do hope to have a list of receivers hopefully soon.
Robert Fodor: Any other questions?
Robert Fodor: All right. Well we're just two or three minutes over time Erick. Thank you so much for giving us a really great presentation and giving us a good overview of what receivers do and why they're important in the process. I encourage everyone to have a look at our FAQ section that I went over a little bit earlier. If you go to the About Us section on our website, you will see under the About a section, an FAQ link. And then there is a link directly for information about our receivers and also the receiving process, we created an entire blog post about it, so it's good information in there for everybody to reference.
Peter Spalding: And then, like a final plug for the use of receiving. I just like,…
Robert Fodor: With.
Peter Spalding: I'm sure many, many of you, we started doing teeny tiny projects that were worth, you know, $10,000. But even then having items individually delivered to the client. Even if they're arriving perfectly.
Peter Spalding: Them off the feet. So I think it is such an incredible value to use receiving service. It radically improved the way that our project projects ran, and it made our clients a lot happier. So I just cannot say enough about using a service like this.
Robert Fodor: Great, thanks Peter. So we'll go ahead and end if you have any further questions, feel free to always contact the concierge desk at Daniel House Club. That email is concierge at. Daniel House.club. Again, concierge. At Daniel House.club. Our phone number is 971-33-31-33. Again, nine, seven, one, three, three, three, one, three, three. And we're open between the hours of 9 AM to 6 pm eastern time, every day Monday through Friday.
Peter Spalding: Fine. And we've recorded this meeting. So we will be sending it out to everybody and it will live on our club bulletin page. If you want to go back and reference anything So, thank you for coming.
Robert Fodor: Thanks everybody. And we'll see you at next month's training session, which will be the last Thursday in June at noon Eastern 9:00 am Pacific. Thanks so much.
Peter Spalding: By.
Meeting ended after 01:04:22 👋