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  3. Rug Dayiri

Rug Dayiri

Estimated arrival: 9-12 Weeks
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This is the amount of time we estimate it will take for this item actually to arrive to you! Typically, websites quote "lead time" as the time it takes for an item to be in stock at their warehouse. Our estimates are often longer than other sources because we include the time to pack and prep an order to ship and the estimated time in transit. Contact our Concierge team if you need us to verify a lead time for you before you purchase!

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This super soft Beni is hand-woven with 100% high quality natural local sheep wool. This round Berber rug is a true masterpiece of craftsmanship that embodies both the rich history and creativity of Berber culture. Every wool knot has been carefully handwoven, every detail refined with unmatched passion. As a work of craftsmanship, this Berber rug represents much more than a mere decorative item; it's a living expression of Berber culture and tradition. Custom sizes are also available. Custom sizes are also available. If we do not list the rug size that you need, please contact us. Custom sizing is available.
  • Overall 1.6" H