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  3. "Gucci" American of Martinsville End Table

"Gucci" American of Martinsville End Table

Estimated arrival: 6-8 Weeks
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6-8 Weeks
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6-8 Weeks
This glorious soft yellow end table is from American of Martinsville. Gorgeous high gloss faux bamboo, painted in Lemon Drizzle Cake from Curator Paints, a small brand of specialty paint from Ireland. We call her Gucci because she is reminiscent of a gorgeous buttery yellow bag, so gorgeous! The original bamboo handles and all brass hardware has been cleaned and re-lacquered to inhibit tarnish. This piece has been previously loved by prior generations so minor imperfections should be expected. This piece though is flawless!
  • Overall 21.5" H x 24.0" W x 26.5" D
  • This has been finished in Curator, an Irish import not easy to come by in the United States. We prefer Curator for its amazing color palette and the glorious hard finish and shine that nearly matches that of lacquer. We recommend dusting often and using a very mild soap and soft sponge or microfiber cloth if necessary for spills. Do not use any cleansers with ammonia or other harsh chemicals, it will destroy the gloss finish.