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  2. Furniture
  3. Eave Modular Sectional, 86, Gold Boucle 06

Eave Modular Sectional, 86, Gold Boucle 06

Estimated arrival: 13-16 Weeks
What does Estimated Arrival mean?

This is the amount of time we estimate it will take for this item actually to arrive to you! Typically, websites quote "lead time" as the time it takes for an item to be in stock at their warehouse. Our estimates are often longer than other sources because we include the time to pack and prep an order to ship and the estimated time in transit. Contact our Concierge team if you need us to verify a lead time for you before you purchase!

9-12 Weeks

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9-12 Weeks

Inspired by architecture Eave Modular Sofa takes its name from eaves - the lower edges of the roof that overhang a wall. The sofa's distinctive detail is its internal eaves - curved upholstered armrests that lend the sofa its expressive character. A perfect blend of style and comfort, Eave is a generous sofa that will encourage owners to relax. The seating angle is also ideal for offices or public spaces, enabling the user to sit actively engaging with work. Figure out your own configuration to suit your space.

Note: COM orders for this vendor require fabric to be sent overseas. You will be responsible for the shipping costs of your fabric to the manufacturing location.