Splitty Desk Lamp

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Estimated arrival: 1-2 Weeks
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1-2 Weeks
  • Description

    Inspired by the fluidity and formlessness of water droplets, Splitty Desk Lamp features fluid motion and ultra flexibility. The curved, droplet shape of the LED head reflects the root of its inspiration. It can be posed in virtually limitless ways, making it one of the most flexible lights on the market. Koncept designers perfected the diffused light source with hidden LEDs so that the lamp performs as a radiant ambient light as well as a functional task light. Users can avail of the discreet USB port to charge any compatible devices.

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  • Weights & Dimensions toggle
    Overall 17.0" H x 8.2" W x 6.5" D
    Weight 4 lbs
    Overall 17" H x 8.2" W x 6.5" D
    Weight 4 lbs

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