Admirers of the craft will note the striae, lending more of a sense of movement to such a livable, comfortable design and repeat that’s still comfortable, but has a more subtle distinction and smart accent. Connoisseurs will admire undyed, natural yarns interwoven for a look of striae and subtle color variation in this kilim. Keen eyes may admire a colorway of light blue, gray and white tones underscore geometric patterns inspired by the Swedish minimalist and Deco styles. This proprietary technique of ours both innovates and honors mid-century weaving techniques inherent to Scandinavian style.
This modern flat weave further enjoys our reputed, heavier body with buckle resistance and greater durability against foot traffic. A playful, but humble choice keeping with the minimalist attitude of Swedish Deco designs, made for a wide array of spaces.
Rug and Kilim allows for a 3-day in-home rug trial for you to test the rug in your space before making a final decision. Return shipping is not included.
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