Make Your Margins with Daniel House Club | Business of Design Podcast
Yes, it is possible to consistently protect your margins. Getting clear about which vendors and suppliers help you do that is critical for every design professional who intends to sustain the business and be profitable.
In this episode we learn:
- stop chasing tiny discounts—your time is valuable so pause to consider the profit first
- be transparent with clients about pricing
- never ship “curb side”, deliver to a receiver and install properly
- like a good travel guide, the design professional keeps clients informed about what’s happening next and when
Get the tasks that leave you drained off your plate (likely organizing your procurement). Studies show that struggling around big decisions for too long is detrimental to your brain.
- Save 50% on Daniel House Club PRO & PRO+ memberships when you use code BODPRO until the end of September 2022. Designer’s will also receive 30 days of free shipping when they make their first project in their “Dashboard.”
- Shop our new upholstery line starting this fall. Everything ships in 8 weeks.
- Come see Kimberley / us on 9/14, where we’ll be hosted by Lepere / Interior Design Mag at the NY Design Center as part of What’s New, What’s Next. We’re discussing the myriad resources available to help new designers grow
September 08, 2022