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  3. Vintage Chaput Geometric Striped Beige Pink And Blue Multicolor Wool Kilim Rug 20030

Vintage Chaput Geometric Striped Beige Pink And Blue Multicolor Wool Kilim Rug 20030

Estimated arrival: 1-2 Weeks
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1-2 Weeks
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1-2 Weeks
Hand woven in Turkey originating between 1970-1980, this vintage Chaput kilim rug enjoys an admirable example of the intricate colorway variations special pieces from this family of flatweaves enjoy. The stripes of lively pink, blue, black, read and other varied hues gives life and movement in a skilled balance with the cool, crisp beige brown and gray tones, the juxtaposition likewise highlighting the texture and a very mild, organic look of distress and wear in the wool; consistent with age and ideal condition among vintage collections.

Rug & Kilim allows for a 3-day in-home rug trial for you to test the rug in your space before making a final decision. Return shipping is not included.

Custom orders are available. Please reach out to us at concierge@danielhouse.club.

  • Overall 66.0" W x 106.0" D